
Responsibilities : Division of Engineering Materials

1.To be specialized/reference laboratory to test raw materials and their products, including, glass and minor, rubber and rubber products, construction materials, pulp, paper, plastics and plastic products, and advance materials, by using specials tools or techniques.

2.To be Thailand’s third party laboratory in engineering materials for quality control and product development to meet the standards, provisions or laws, and consumer protection.

3.Carry out research and knowledge development on technology and testing techniques as well as study and monitor the changes in the industry regulations to meet the requirements of customers.

4.Carry out research, development of technology and products, innovation creation, and development of product process and product quality to enhance and strengthen the competitiveness.

5.Research and develop innovation in the field of scientific instruments, robotics, and automation.

6.Develop control materials and reference materials to enhance testing capabilities of both domestic and overseas laboratories.

7.Network or collaborate with relevant agencies/organization in launching the rules and standards in both domestic and international settings.

8.Establish technical cooperation with both domestic and overseas specialized organizations.

9.Provide consultation and technology and knowledge transfer in the material technology to public and private sectors.

10.Provide support and collaboration with other agencies/organizations, or perform other duties as assigned.

Division of Engineering Materials

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