
Office of the Secretary

Responsibilities : Office of the Secretary

  1. Performing general affairs and correspondence tasks
  2. Assisting the management team of the Department and dealing with secretarial work
  3. Taking responsibility on finance, budget, and accounting. Providing general supplies procurement and maintaining all of the Department's premises, vehicles, and assets
  4. Undertaking human resources management
  5. Publicizing the Department's existing services, activities, and performance.
  6. Developing and providing the information technology and communication system to serve the Department
  7. Preparing the Department's strategic plan and annual action plan related to governmental policies, master plan, strategic plan, and annual action plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology
  8. Performing duties that are not specifically assigned to be duties of other divisions in the department
  9. Supporting or collaborating with other divisions in executing special assignment

Office of the Secretary

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75/7 Rama VI Road, Ratchathewi Bangkok 10400
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