
Structure : Office of the Secretary

Executive Secretary group    

  • Dealing with the executive secretarial works, including preparation and screening of the document for the executive, arranging meeting and summarizing minutes, and contacting with people both inside and outside the Department

Correspondence subdivision     

  • Responsible for sending and receiving of official letters, drafting and interacting with the official letters, keeping official documents, and destroying them when out of date
  • Dealing with sample materials management. This includes sample receiving, sample sorting, sample registration, numerating the smaple(in order to keep track of the operations), fees calculation, and sample delivery to the appropriate chain of testing and analysis operation
  • Collecting data and providing general statistics of the Department
  • Organizing the general meeting of the Department

Personnel Subdivision     

  • Carrying out personnel administration, personnel development, welfare, legal affairs, and enforcing discipline
  • Organizing meetings and preparing documents for the Civil Service Subcommittee of the Department of Science Service
  • Giving guidance and counseling on personnel administration to all divisions

Finance subdivision     

  • Dealing with all of Department's matters regarding budget, finance, account, and procurement
  • Maintaining all of the Department's premises and assets
  • Managing vehicles service
  • Managing the Department's welfare fund

Planning subdivision     

  • Establishing the operation plan and strategy of the Department to be in line with the government policy and the strategic master plan of the Ministry of Science and technology as well as accelerating, monitoring, and evaluating operation of other divisions in the Department
  • Initiating and facilitating the international collaboration
  • Supporting the Executive functions

Public Relations subdivision     

  • Publicizing DSS's activities and boost people's knowledge and understanding of science and technology associated with the Department's services and performance through public relations and public supervisions
  • Producing and disseminating documents, journals, and annual reports to the public
  • Arranging for news releases, exhibitions, and special discussions
  • Producing all types of public relations media

Information Technology subdivision    

  • Establishing the master plan and action plan on information technology and communications and developing the information systems in accordance with the DSS's mission in order to enhance operating performance of the Department
  • Supplying and maintaining computer systems, servers, and communication and information networks
  • Preparing electronic media, website, multimedia, and audio-visual equipment

Technical subdivision    

  • Maintaining the Department's buildings
  • Providing the infrastructure services. These include electricity system, water supply, air conditioning systems, mechanical systems, and other relevant systems both inside and outside the building. Providing office hardware repairing service
  • Supporting scientist on sample preparation for laboratory testing
  • Constructing and repairing the scientific equipment for testing service

Office of the Secretary

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©2024 Department of Science Service (DSS)
75/7 Rama VI Road, Ratchathewi Bangkok 10400
Tel. +66 2201 7000 Fax.+66 2201 7466
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