

The Department of Science Service Held the Songkran Festival for 2015

The Department of Science Service Held the Songkran Festival for 2015






            The Department of Science Service held the Songkran festival for 2015 to preserve the Thai culture.  An objective of the festival is for the DSS personnel to realize the value of the elders who had worked and dedicated for the department for years. 

            Also during the ceremony, DSS announced the 7 outstanding scientists for their hard work.

            Outstanding civil servants:

            1. Miss Nawaporn Lerdtharatat.   Bureau of Laboratory Personnel Development

            2. Miss Akarima Boonyoo.   Bureau of Science and Technology Information

            Outstanding DSS officials:

            1. Mrs.Wannee Aupaiboon.  Center for Laboratory Proficiency Testing

            2. Miss Wandee Luesaiwong.  Chemistry Program

            3. Mrs. Orasa Onjun.  Physics and Engineering Program

            4. Mr.Sompop lapviboonsuk.  Biological Science Program

            5. Mr. Wachirapun Punkrawee.  Chemistry Program


DSS, MOST Continue Thai-Lao Closed Cooperation to Enhance the Competence of S&T Personnel Supporting Economic Growth

DSS, MOST Continue Thai-Lao Closed Cooperation to Enhance the Competence of S&T Personnel Supporting EconomicGrowth

          In May 2015, Dr. Suthiweth T.Saengchantara, Director-General of the Department of Science Service (DSS’s DG), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and Mr. Viengthong Vongthavilay, Deputy Director of Department of Standardization and Metrology (DSM), Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) jointly signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under the project on development of an accreditation and standardization at Akkaramatee room, 6th floor, Toa Labanukrom building, DSS.

          Director General of DSS said that the project had been created and collaborated to develop the activities of standardization and conformity assessment by promoting and supporting DSM, Lao PDR to develop the accreditation system; industrial product certification; standard development; library of standardization; and testing laboratory by means of training, study visiting, and exchanging of management and technical issues.     

          Deputy Director of DSM said that he was glad to be partnered with DSS. The cooperation is a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences in the field of personnel development of the accreditation, and standardization as well as calibration and testing laboratories. Moreover, our similar languages are made easier to understand in a communication process. The project is anticipated to be beneficial for both DSS and DSM to improve the collaboration among the ASEAN community.

          Mrs. Suda Nantavithya, Director of the Bureau of Laboratory Accreditation (BLA) gave further information that the project on development of an accreditation and standardization between Thailand - Lao PDR which was planned for 20152017. By the year 2015, the project will focus on standardisation and conformity assessment. BLA-DSS provided the training courses related to accreditation and quality management system document according to ISO/IEC 17011: 2004, including a visit to DSS’s laboratories. In 2016, we plan to provide an assessor training course and give a consultation about establishing document system according to ISO/IEC 17011: 2004.  In 2017 Lao PDR will establish accreditation body and provide laboratories assessment according to ISO/IEC 17025 as well as prepare for establishment of standard library which are our continuing cooperation. 

Department of Science Service Opened to Operate a Certification of Persons on Science and Technology Conformed to ISO/IEC 17024

Department of Science Service Opened to Operate a Certification of Persons on Science and Technology Conformed to ISO/IEC 17024 


             Department of Science Service (DSS), Ministry of Science and Technology recognizes the importance of capacity building human resources in science and technology to meet the needs of a business sector that are changing rapidly in the era of globalization. The certification of Persons on Science and Technology conformed to ISO/IEC 17024 is therefore initiative as a tool to drive the elevated performance of personnel. The initiative certification scheme on “Control and Management of Chemicals in Laboratories” is currently in service.

          DSS has organized a seminar on "How the International Certification of Persons System Enhance Science & Technology Career through ASEAN and Global Market ??.” Creating career opportunities in science and technology by the international personnel certification was held on June 26, 2015. The aim was to create awareness and spark ideas to take advantage of the ability to enhance performance certification personnel to meet the needs of the business sector. Dr.Natchanapong Vajiravongburi, the Deputy Director - General of the Department of Science Service presided over a ceremony at the Berkeley hotel, Bangkok.

          Dr.Natchanapong Vajiravongburi gave the vision that certification of persons is a major milestone of pride of the Department of Science Service which is a main approach for capacity building on Science and Technology. It is one of tools to measure the performance of personnel and enable an industrial sector, corporate executives, including whoever works with the certified person will get more confident that that person is capable of working. DSS committed to develop this mission continuously. The initiative certification scheme on “Control and Management of Chemicals in Laboratories” will be serviced at least twice a year. Moreover, the new certification scheme will be designed according to demand driven from the public service, market need, official or government concerns. Establishing partnerships with an international certification of persons is also performed to enhance the certification of persons on Science and Technology in Thailand to be known internationally.

          Dr. Junpen Meka-apiruk, the Director of Bureau of Laboratory Personnel Development (BLPD), gave more information that in 2015, an identity verification card of the first certification scheme was delivered to the two persons which lead to practical use, for job application, for example. This card will be valid for three years and can be renewed. BLPD of the Department of Science Service is now in the process of considering the Certification body for Persons on Science and Technology by Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI). In addition, DSS has submitted the project of “ASEAN Certification for Persons on Science and Technology” to the 69th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology meeting on 27-29 May 2015 at Phuket. DSS will act as a central coordinating agency to determine areas that may be Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) for the next step.

              Seminar activities:

          Morning session was a lecture on a title of “Strengthening confidence and personnel certification system by the international standard for bodies operating a Certification of Persons ISO / IEC 17024” with the speaker from Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI). The next title was “The importance of a Certification of Persons in the field of Control and Management of Chemicals in laboratories” which was lectured by a speaker from Energy Environment Safety and Health (EESH), King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. 

          Afternoon session was a panel discussion about “The benefits will be for those who are certified of persons by DSS” by the representatives from Department of Industrial Works, the Federation of Thai Industries and an executive from DSS including with Ms. Pachareekul Banjongsawang, the certified person in the first scheme of Control and Management of Chemicals in laboratories.

To those who are interested in obtaining a certification. Please download documentation and application at and for more information: Bureau of Laboratory Personnel Development, Department of Science Service Tel. 02 201 7436-37   e-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

DSS/MOST Moved Forwarded in the Science and Technology Information Literacy as Research and Development Capacity Building

DSS/MOST Moved Forwarded in the Science and Technology Information Literacy as Research and Development Capacity Building: an Efficient Self Search for Science and Technology Information




          Mrs.Siriwan Silpskulsuk, BSTI Director presided over and said that BSTI has organized a searching activity for science and technology information under the project of the science and technology information literacy as research and development capacity building from a fiscal year 2009 - present in development for practitioners from the government sector, the private sector, and the academic institution to the efficient self search for science and technology information with having the information use including services which BSTI provide to be more worthwhile.  Each activity was a lecture on a searching technique for information in a printed format and an electronics format; and an explanation of the important science and technology information resources including important websites and services from BSTI.          On 20 March 2015, Department of Science Service (DSS) organized a project of the science and technology information literacy as research and development capacity building: a search for science and technology information which was well responded by many people from a private sector and a government sector at Bureau of Science and Technology Information (BSTI), DSS.

          All this, there are no expenditures for participants in the searching activity for science and technology information under the project of the science and technology information literacy as research and development capacity building.  From the fiscal year 2009-March 2015, there were 25 activities having more than 840 participants such as practitioners from the government sector, private sector, state enterprise, academic institution and public organization.  From the survey, it was found that participants adapted the gained knowledge in a very good level.

Workshop on Harmonization of Assessors, TSC, and LAC

Workshop on Harmonization of Assessors, TSC, and LAC


          The workshop on Harmonization of Assessors, TSC, and LAC was held on 7-8 May 2015 by Bureau of Laboratory Accreditation – Department of Science Service (BLA-DSS) at the Royal River Kwai Resort & Spa, Kanchanaburi. The participants were our lead assessors, assessors, technical assessors, technical subcommittees, and laboratory accreditation committees in different fields such as Chemistry, Microbiology and Physics. It was a great pleasure to welcome Mr. Kelvin Shih, Vice CEO of Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) as our guest speaker.

          In agreement with the main responsibilities of the Bureau of Laboratory Accreditation, we provide accreditation services to both government and private sectors according to international standard, ISO/IEC 17011: Conformity assessment – General requirements for accreditation bodies in the scope of testing laboratory, proficiency testing provider, and reference material producer. The harmonization activity enabled participants to share their experiences that they had encountered during assessments, committee meetings and so on. BLA-DSS will summarize the outcome of this workshop and distribute to participants to follow in the same manner.  

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