
Service : Division of Community Technology

Material Science

- Research and Development on quality improvement of products made from Water Hyacinth

- Production of tropical fruit shape charcoal for decoration and odor absorption

- Production of compressed charcoal from agricultural waste

- Research and Development on rust absorption water filter and production of full scale water purifier for consumption   purpose

Ceramic Technology

- Research and development on ceramic technology (raw materials, production and products) and on product and   packaging design, in addition to, develop laboratory prototypes, introduce quality control process and problem solving

- Organize training, seminar, exhibition and information in ceramic technology, co-ordinate with community/industry in   technology transfer, and network forming with related sector

- Consultancy services for governmental and private sectors or through ceramic web,

Herbal products

- Development of Herbal products for Health Tourism industry. Such products are Herbal soap, shampoo, massage oil, body   lotion, etc.


- Product development on processed food from local community produce such as pineapple, lemon products, herbal plant,   etc.

- Research and development on processed Halal food product


 Test and Analysis service

1. Special scientific instruments services

- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF)
- Laser Particle Size Analyzer
- X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD)

2. Test and analysis of raw materials or products according to Thai Community Product Standard, Thai     Industrial Standard (TIS), or other standards specified by laws.



Division of Community Technology

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