Material Science
- Research and Development on quality improvement of products made from Water Hyacinth
- Production of tropical fruit shape charcoal for decoration and odor absorption
- Production of compressed charcoal from agricultural waste
- Research and Development on rust absorption water filter and production of full scale water purifier for consumption purpose
Ceramic Technology
- Research and development on ceramic technology (raw materials, production and products) and on product and packaging design, in addition to, develop laboratory prototypes, introduce quality control process and problem solving
- Organize training, seminar, exhibition and information in ceramic technology, co-ordinate with community/industry in technology transfer, and network forming with related sector
- Consultancy services for governmental and private sectors or through ceramic web,
Herbal products
- Development of Herbal products for Health Tourism industry. Such products are Herbal soap, shampoo, massage oil, body lotion, etc.
- Product development on processed food from local community produce such as pineapple, lemon products, herbal plant, etc.
- Research and development on processed Halal food product
Test and Analysis service
1. Special scientific instruments services
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
- X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF)
- Laser Particle Size Analyzer
- X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD)
2. Test and analysis of raw materials or products according to Thai Community Product Standard, Thai Industrial Standard (TIS), or other standards specified by laws.