
Laboratory Accreditation Services

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   - Signatory of Mutual Recognition Arrangement with APLAC in scope of testing laboratory on 22 May 2006 [CLICK]
   - Signatory of Mutual Recognition Arrangement with ILAC in scope of testing laboratory on 23 August 2006 [CLICK]
   - Signatory of Mutual Recognition Arrangement with APLAC in scope of PTP and RMP on 17 June 2015 [CLICK]
Signatory of Mutual Recognition Arrangement with APAC 1 January 2019 [CLICK]
   - Signatory of ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC MRA) in scope of proficiency testing provider 
     on 7 October 2019 [CLICK]
   Signatory of Mutual Recognition Arrangement with APAC on 25 April 2020 [CLICK]
  Signatory of ILAC MUTUAL RECOGNITION ARRANGEMENT (ILAC MRA) in scope of testing, proficiency testing provider and reference material producer on 7 August 2020 [CLICK]
   - Signatories of ILAC MUTUAL RECOGNITION ARRANGEMENT (ILAC MRA) in scope of testing, proficiency testing provider and reference material producer, 7 December 2020 [CLICK]
     The Bureau of Laboratory Accreditation, Department of Science Service, (BLA-DSS) is a full member which signs Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) with Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). BLA-DSS provides 3 accreditation services:
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BLA-DSS has policies and procedures of the assessment and decision making for all applicants in a non-discriminatory manner without conditions on the type, status or size of organization, private or public organizations.

BLA-DSS is non-profit organization that has supported by government. All BLA-DSS operational expenses are allocated from the Government budget. All incomes are treated as governmental incomes, which are handed over to the Ministry of Finance according to relevant government rules and regulations.

In addition to BLA-DSS also has the duties to survey, collect, and provide database of scientific laboratories in the country. It also supports and develops about knowledge, information for developing in the quality management system and safety of laboratory by training, seminar, and public media.

Contact: Bureau of Laboratory Accreditation

Tel: +66 2201 7133, +66 2201 7325

Fax: +66 2201 7201

Website : Department of Science Service :      

Website : Bureau of Laboratory Accreditation :


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©2025 Department of Science Service (DSS)
75/7 Rama VI Road, Ratchathewi Bangkok 10400
Tel. +66 2201 7000 Fax.+66 2201 7466
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