
Responsibilities : Division of Food Products and Food Contact Materials

1.To be ASEAN reference laboratory in food contact materials

2.To be Thailand’s third party laboratory in food and food contact materials testing

3.Perform quality and safety testing in food products, water, and food contact materials, including physical, chemical and biological properties in order to certify the quality and safety for consumers conformed to Thailand standards and international standards. Additionally, testing and analysis results can be used to optimize production processes and establish or improve standards for food products and food contact materials.

4.Provide sensory evaluation in food products for the products improvement and development.

5.Issue the Certification of Analysis (COA) of food contact materials for export, in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce.

6.Research and develop test method to enhance the service capabilities.

7.Research and develop food products, and create knowledge and technology for the products to enhance the competitiveness of Thailand’s food industry.

8.Study and monitor the changes in the regulation for the purpose of evaluation, action planning and talking action on the relevant part.

9.Network or collaborate with relevant agencies/organizations in launchings the rules and standards in both domestic and internationals setting.

10.Provide consultation and technology and knowledge transfer in food and food contact material technology, and also provide advice to improve and develop the laboratory quality system complied with ISO/IEC 17025.


Division of Food Products and Food Contact Materials

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