
DSS, MHESI joins the laboratory testing of O-Aew jelly by the sensory method with Technology clinic, Ratchapat Phuket University, Phuket on 29 to 31 October 2022

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Department of Science Service (DSS) by the researchers from the Division of Community Technology participated in the laboratory testing the O-Aew jelly by the sensory method at Phuket, 20th building, Faculty of Science and Technology, Ratcgapat Phuket University. The objective was to adapt science, technology and innovation, to bring the culture and local food into the accepted standard, and to commerce the O-Aew jelly. There were 25 persons of qualified experts to join in the sensory testing and also set up the guidelines and control the process of making O-Aew jelly that retains its identity Local desserts of Phuket and be able to self-reliant and sustainable community.

written by

Dr. Jutathip Lapviboonsuk &

Natthakan Thongsuk


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