
Background : Division of Engineering Materials

            In 1953, Physics and Engineering Division was among one of the six divisions under the department of science according to the organization revamp at that time. The Physics and Engineering Division has responsibility in analysis and research development in the areas of physics, physical chemistry, engineering, scientific tools maintenance, internal construction design, testing and improving of industrial products, and giving advice to public and private organizations. In addition, the division can issue a certificate of quality control for industrial and commercial products. To further improve the service, the division is formed into physics section, material testing section, chemical engineering section, industrial process testing section, mechanical shop, and alum production plant. Later on, some of these sections were expanded to take more responsibilities and finally were grown into larger institution , such as the National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) or NIMT in 2002. The recent organization reconstruction sees Physics and Engineering Division transforms to Physics and Engineering Program.

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