
testing service

Testing Services: Center for ASEAN Food Contact Materials Testing

 The Center for ASEAN Food Contact Materials Testing acts as the testing service provider for safety control of food contact materials according to Thai and partner countries’ standard, e.g. European Union and Japan, etc. The test reports can be used to guarantee the product quality for both domestic and international trades and also the consumer safety. The testing services for food contact materials including plastics, varnishes and coatings, silicone and food can are as follows:

  • Testing food contact materials and issuing Certificate of Analysis (COA) for exports.
  • Testing overall migrations or residuals from films or plastic food packagings after evaporation of food simulants.
  • Testing specific substances found in plastics or migrated from plastics, e.g. heavy metals, phthalates, bisphenol A, and other plasticizers, etc.
  • Testing food contaminants migrated from food contact materials, e.g. phthalates and other plasticizers, etc.
  • Testing physical properties of plastic packagings, e.g. water vapor transmission rate, oxygen transmission rate and temperature resistance, etc.
  • Testing properties of metal cans used for food packagings, i.e. can seam, pressure resistance, non-leak, and type of lacquer coating.
  • Testing oxygen and carbon dioxide content in the cavity over food in the closed containers for the shelf-life determination of food products.


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