
Background : Divsion of Laboratory Personnel Developement

          Bureau of Laboratory Personnel Development (BLPD) is a unit under the Department of Science Service, Ministry of Science and Technology. It was originally established as a part of the Department of Science, Ministry of Industry in 1937 under the name Institute of Analytical Chemistry Training (ACT). During the time, Thai government sectors were expanding so fast that there was shortage in skilled workers in the government's laboratory. In addition, universities could not provide enough workforces in time. Therefore, the original goal of ACT was set to train analytical chemists to laboratory personnel in order to, later, recruit them for government sectors in need. The two-year program was firstly developed to serve the purpose. ACT was constantly developed as follows

  • 1953 : ACT established the Division of Analytical Chemistry Training to manage teaching courses.
  • 1954 : The program was expanded to 3 years. Graduates from the program would receive a certificate from the Department of Science. This certificate was equivalent to a diploma.
  • 1959 : ACT was affiliated with Chulalongkorn University. Students who completed the program would receive a diploma in Analytical Chemistry and be able to continue undergraduate study at the Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University.
  • 1979 : The Department of Science changed its status to be under the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Energy and was renamed to the Department of Science Service. Division of Analytical Chemistry Training was a part of the Department of Science Service.
  • 1992 : The Ministry of Science, Technology and Energy was renamed to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment. Division of Analytical Chemistry Training, Department of Science Service was a part of the new Ministry.
  • 2002 : Division of Analytical Chemistry Training was changed its name to Bureau of Laboratory Personnel Development under the Department of Science Service, the Ministry of Science and Technology with responsibilities and duties as follows :
    • To manage educational and technical training in science and technology for the building of capacity and capability in Thai scientific community.
    • 2. To support or work with other relevant agencies and to perform on the assigned job. Bureau of Laboratory Personnel Development ceased to accept new enrollment in 2003 due to the change in activities and mission of the Department of Science Service. The change was needed in order to harmonize the Department with policies and acitivities of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The last class was graduated on 18 May 2005. Overall, 1,385 graduetes was in total in sixty-eight years of the education program.


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